Small Business Love: Shop Local, Small And Independent Shops This Holiday Season

Small Business Love: Shop Local, Small And Independent Shops This Holiday Season

Small Business Love: Shop Local, Small And Independent Shops This Holiday Season

As the holiday season is here and the spirit of gift giving is in the air, we wanted to invite you to share the small business love with us this year!

We hope that this inspires you to pause and choose to support your local and small businesses this holiday season.

This is something that is very near and dear to our hearts. We know first hand how the support of our loving and beautiful community can make all the difference. 

Small, local and independent businesses keep the world going round. They are the center of our communities, building them stronger. These businesses foster a place for the community to gather, make connections and spread the love. They are a place to connect, meet someone new, discover something new and interact human to human which is so important in this digital age that we live in.

These businesses offer a safe place and create a sense of belonging. They keep our local economies going and build them stronger. Small businesses are owned by your neighbors, friends and family members. Support the ones you love because they are there for you. 

This holiday season, slow down and enjoy what you have right in front of you in your local communities by supporting small and local businesses. Supporting these businesses provide you with a chance to help others, it warms your heart and sparks joy this holiday season and all year long.

Your local and small businesses need you to help keep their magic alive. Yes, you could shop online from the comfort of your own couch but hint, hint small businesses have websites too and usually offer shipping. We know it is tempting to click onto the site of a familiar big box retailer but this holiday season we are challenging you to try something new. Be different and find a unique and special gift this year for your loved ones. Support the little guys out there.

The smallest gesture of support goes a long way. Your support could be as simple as engaging on social media with a small or local business. We are here to help share the small business love and keep it flowing so small businesses can thrive and stay alive. 

We are highlighting all the incredible small, local and independent businesses local to the South Shore and beyond! Spread the small business love this holiday season with us, it is a fun ride! Trust us!

And with Black Friday sales already flooding our inboxes for the holiday season, the holiday shopping has began so we thought it would be a perfect time to share the love! Think simple, thoughtful and meaningful this holiday season.

P.S. this is an ongoing project so check back in this holiday season to see what other businesses we have added !

Small Businesses By South Shore Community: 



Holly Hill Farm in Cohasset, MA


Far Far's in Duxbury




Slacktide Coffee in Marshfield, MA


Cross Street Flower Farm in Norwell, MA


Heyday Supply in Plymouth, MA


Lucky Finn Scituate Harbor

Whitman, Bridgewater & East Bridgewater:

Dennis/ Mashpee:


  • Ouimillie
  • Beacon Hill Books and Cafe- independent book store and cafe
  • December Theives Boutique
  • French + Italian
  • Bodega
  • Boston General Store
  • M. Flynn Accessories

Looking To Shop Small Online? We've Got You Too.

Below you will find more local businesses that can find online and they canalso be found at local markets and brick and mortar stores on the South Shore

Online Small Business Love:

A collection of small businesses you can shop online that we have grown to love over the years during our small business journey, a few we have carried in the shop and others we love to support. 

International Independent Shops:

These lists could go on and on, the amount of small, local and independent businesses/ shops out there is endless. It is truly inspiring and heart warming. You have plenty to choose from to make shopping small this holiday season simple, fun and joyful!

Happy Holidays!


With love,

Wander & Rove






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