Collection: Lot28

All Lot28 pieces are designed by founders Jocelyn and Emily DeSisto and are handcrafted in the heart of New York’s historic Diamond District.
Lot28 was born from a love for jewelry and the natural world. The name Lot28 comes from a plot of land on an island in Maine. For Jocelyn and Emily, growing up on Lot28 sparked their interest in design and climate change. Their jewelry is inspired by immediate climate issues and the beauty of our ecosystems.
They hope that your Lot28 jewelry will be a warm reminder of your power to influence positive change.
They believe every decision, no matter how small, has the opportunity to create impact. 
Each piece of Lot28 is thoughtfully made possible by a talented community of individuals who share their attention to detail from environmental protection and fair labor to social responsibility. Based on the value and nature of their precious materials they strive to recycle and up-cycle as much as possible.

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